Unboxing My New Planner & Much-Needed Update

I finally got tired of franken-cobbling together a new planner every quarter and up and made my own. Which I got printed. And put on Amazon. My copy just got here!

Also, I know I disappeared on you again, for which you have my deep and sincere apologies. I've been a little distracted. I offer my excuses here. But we really need to stop having so many life and death situations around here, or you all are going to start thinking I'm making all of this up.

Anyway, I'm back! And hoping to stay that way this time.

(Though that feels a bit like tempting fate.)

I finally got tired of franken-cobbling together a new planner every quarter and up and made my own. Which I got printed. And put on Amazon. My copy just got here! Also, I know I disappeared on you again, for which you have my deep and sincere apologies. I've been a little distracted. I offer my excuses here. But we really need to stop having so many life and death situations around here, or you all are going to start thinking I'm making all of this up. Anyway, I'm back! And hoping to stay that way this time. (Though that feels a bit like tempting fate.)


Dragon Planner Flip-Through


It’s time for FanX Salt Lake!