Sometimes, All You Can Do is Laugh

Back in 2012, during the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve, I suffered an unexpected stroke. I am deeply grateful to have only minor residual effects, which have improved a great deal over the years. But in the meantime, there have been some awkward moments as a result of my brain being a little bit scrambled. Some of them have been truly laugh worthy. As promised, here is one of them.

[Note: I hope you'll laugh at this story. One way I cope with some of the difficult situations in life is to find the humor lurking below the surface and enjoy it. And I sometimes invite others to join in my fun with me. But not everyone uses this coping style. Please, PLEASE be sensitive toward other people who have experienced strokes and toward their caregivers and loved ones. It can be an incredibly difficult, frustrating, heart-wrenching experience, and should never be the butt of jokes. Thanks for remembering that people who are struggling are PEOPLE and need your support. While it's okay to laugh WITH us, it's never okay to laugh AT us. Let's keep it classy.]


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